Fees & funding

The Preschool is a registered charity and therefore all income received from either fees or funding is retained to cover rent and staff wages, replace equipment and update resources.

Fee Rates   to 31st August 2024

You be charged for your child’s attendance at the following rates (for any non-funded hours):

Age of child AM or PM only Whole day Hourly rate*
2-year-olds £19.50 £39.00 £6.50/hr
3- & 4-year-olds [1] £18.00 £36.00 £6.00/hr

Fee Rates   from  1st September 2024

You be charged for your child’s attendance at the following rates (for any non-funded hours):

Age of child AM or PM only Whole day Hourly rate*
2-year-olds £21.75 £43.50 £7.25/hr
3- & 4-year-olds [1] £20.25 £40.50 £6.75/hr

[1] This rate is applicable from the term following the child’s third birthday, for any hours taken over and above the funded entitlement.

Additional Services & Consumables Supplement

Children accessing funded places at will be charged an ‘Additional Services & Consumables Supplement’ of 50p for every funded hour taken. The table below shows an illustrative weekly cost for a child accessing 15 or 30 hours per week:               

Weekly charge for 15 funded hrs Weekly charge for 30 funded hrs Equivalent hourly rate
£7.50 £15.00 £0.50

 If you are in receipt of Early Years Pupil Premium or accessing a targeted funded place, then you will not be asked to pay this charge.

Nursery Education Grant

We are registered with the Local Authority as a provider supporting the national scheme to offer funded early learning and childcare places to all children aged 3 and 4 and some 2-year olds meeting certain criteria. The following table outlines the different types of funding accepted at Duxford Preschool.

Age of child Funding type Annual entitlement Criteria
2 years old Targeted (Funded-Two) 570 hours Children from families receiving some additional forms of government support, or currently or previously in local authority care.
Expanded 570 hours Children from working families meeting eligibility criteria.
3-4 years old Universal 570 hours All children in England.
Extended 1140 hours Children from working families meeting eligibility criteria.

 We offer early years funding across 38 weeks of the year, term-time only. The annual entitlement therefore equates to 15 hours per week of targeted, expanded or universal funding, and 30 hours per week of extended funding. We place no restrictions on the number of children eligible for universal, targeted, or expanded funding who may attend our setting, providing we have available spaces. We currently offer 3 spaces where parents can take up to the full 30 funded hours us and they are offered on a first come, first served basis. When these 3 spaces are filled, we are only able to offer a maximum of 24 funded hours per week at the setting for any remaining families who are eligible for these extra hours.  We work in co-operation with other childcare providers to support parents in obtaining their full funded entitlement, and parents are free to use their funding across multiple settings.

You can find further information about the different funding schemes and other assistance you may be eligible for from the Childcare Choices website: https://www.childcarechoices.gov.uk/