Useful information

Apply for a place

If you are interested in applying for a place at Duxford Preschool we recommend that you come and visit us, so you are able to see what we have to offer and meet our staff.

Go to ‘Apply for a place’

Opening times & term dates

Duxford Preschool is open Monday to Friday from 9am until 3pm, during term-time only. We offer either full-day or half-day sessions. The morning session runs from 9am-12pm and the afternoon session from 12pm-3pm.

Go to ‘Opening times & term dates’

Fees & funding

The Preschool is a registered charity and therefore all income received from either fees or funding is retained to cover rent and staff wages, replace equipment and update resources.

Go to ‘Fees & funding’

Daily routine & settling in

We want your child to feel happy and safe with us and when they first start at Preschool the staff will work with you to decide how best to help your child settle.

Go to ‘Daily routine & settling in’

Healthy eating

Duxford Preschool runs a rolling snack policy for the morning session, which allows the children to have a snack when they wish, so that they do not need to be interrupted in their play.

Go to ‘Healthy eating’

Clothing & uniform

There is a non-compulsory uniform of blue t-shirts, sweatshirts, fleeces and hoodies with the Preschool’s logo, which encourages children to feel part of the Preschool family and helps prepare them for wearing a full uniform when they move on to school.

Go to ‘Clothing & uniform’


Duxford Preschool uses an online learning journal called Tapestry for the children’s observations and assessments.

Go to ‘Tapestry’


ECaT- Every child a Talker What is ECaT:  Every Child a Talker (ECaT) is a national project to develop the language and communication of children from birth to five years of age.

Go to ‘ECaT’


Go to ‘Links’

Learning at home

Parents are children’s first and most enduring educators and have a huge influence on their development. Supporting parents to play an active role in their children's learning can make a valuable and lasting difference to children’s lives and outcomes.

Go to ‘Learning at home’

Preschool Rebuild

On 31st July 2020, Duxford Primary School suffered a devastating fire, and the room used by the Preschool and DX Out of School club was completely destroyed, losing everything.

Go to ‘Preschool Rebuild’